Monday, December 1, 2008

too busy to be organized

blech!... do you feel like this?

im feeling like i NEED to be organized but the only down time i have, i end up doing stuff like... blogging.

really i need to organize my room, car, business, life etc. so i can feel more productive.

im sure the more productive i am the less compelled i will feel to get organized.

i'll procrastinate since its almost midnight... mmm... sweeepy


mjb said...

I find that the busier I am the more I keep the important things close and accessible, and the rest of my organizational process (ie my home and laundry and car) turn into a big mess.

Dustin Goolsby said...

agreed... however i find that sometimes i have so many things that are important to me that the busier and more unorganized i become i let some important things slip through the cracks... i need to work on that